Our Services

We believe every client has unique financial circumstances and goals. No two clients are the same. Our services are specifically customised to your individual requirements, and we’ll draw on our wealth of expertise to help make meaningful differences to your financial outcomes.


Our Mortgage broker relationships allow you to take advantage of opportunities as soon as they arise. Whether it’s for real estate investments or building a share portfolio, we can work with a broker to ensure you achieve:
  • The right rates, options and conditions
  • The right mix of fixed and variable rates
  • The optimum structure to maximise the tax-efficiency of your total debt

Financial Planning

What’s important to you? What does success mean to you? If you have a plan to get from A to B you’re almost guaranteed to be successful; especially when you have an experienced professional on your side holding you accountable. There will be risks along the way, changes to legislation and lot of noise to distract you, but a Financial Plan and a Prime Partners Financial Advisor will help you reduce risks where possible and establish a realistic strategy for success – whatever that means to YOU. We can also draw on our relationships with other Professionals to ensure a co-ordinated approach to your tailored strategy.

Self-Managed Superannuation

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) are popular in Australia. A SMSF can give you more control and transparency than other superannuation funds. However, it is a highly regulated and complex area and considerable expertise is required to ensure that the fund remains fully compliant and entitled to all of the tax and asset protection concessions. Our Financial Advisors are SMSF specialists and can help you determine whether an SMSF is right for you and,  if appropriate, co-ordinate the fund establishment, preparation of mandatory reports, lodgements, and other documentation to ensure you’re set up for a comfortable future.